
Thursday, February 3, 2011

iPre-ordered Did You?

If you're already a Verizon Wireless customer, Today at 3 AM (eastern time) you are allowed to pre-order the VZW version of Apple's popular iPhone 4. Others that wish to obtain the device will have the chance to do so by reserving theirs on February 9th. They can then pick up at their local Apple store or VZW store Feb. 10th. Both Apple and VZW stores are reporting that they will open their doors at 7 AM on Feb 10. If you did or are going to pre-order today, the phone is expected to be at your door "on or before the 10th". VZW expects to move millions of the mobile devices, and have apparently sent memos to their employees asking them to refrain from buying the iPhone 4 to allow the public to have a better chance to obtain one. 

The sparks will only get hotter between AT&T and VZW. Blogs, Twitter, and Facebook have people pitted against each other claiming their network uses the device better. However, this video from CNET sheds a little light on which network does the best at what. But, like with everything, take it with a grain of salt. AT&T iPhone 4 vs Verizon iPhone 4

More to come... 

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